
Frequently Asked Questions


Will your parts fit my old Petromax?

Most parts will fit; however, we do not guarantee that your lantern will operate properly. It is always best to send your lantern to BriteLyt, Inc., if you wish to “modify” your lantern model. We do have parts and make repairs to Butterfly, Wenzel, Egret Brand, Sea Anchor, Aida, Hipolito, Geniol, Petromax, BriteLyt & other models of Pressurized lanterns.
Ask us ………. call 1-727-451-7020.

I just bought a Petromax or Geniol lantern. My dealer says that it is “multi-fueled”. Is this correct?

No. The “Petromax” & “Geniol” brand lantern is for use with kerosene only. You can, however, use lamp oil, as it is of low viscosity. Only BriteLyt is Multi-fuel.

I was told that the “Petromax” or “Geniol” lantern was manufactured in Germany. True or false?

FALSE. The Petromax and Geniol lantern is manufactured in China. A company, located in Germany, is distributing lanterns to the U.S. Just because they are “coming from” Germany, does not mean “Manufactured in Germany”.

The dealer I bought the Petromax from, says that it can use Multi-fuels. Is this true?

No, and, if used with fuels other than the type specified by Manufacturer, you could be at risk of injury, property loss and loss of warranty coverage.

What can I do about this?

Contact your State, Local, or Federal Consumer Protection Agency Always have your receipt, any documentation stating such claims, etc. False advertising is against the law, and, as a consumer, it is your right to report such incidents.

What’s the difference between Britelyt, Petromax and other pressurized lanterns that look the same?

Only the BriteLyt – Multi-fuel lantern is backed by patents, and equipped with our specially-designed parts for use with liquid,and volatile fuels. In addition, the BriteLyt lantern(s) have all been thoroughly tested for such use WITH YOUR SAFETY IN MIND. See part 3-ss and part 33-B all parts only on BriteLyt Lanterns. Click here for more information on what sets BriteLyt lanterns apart.

What other brands are out there, claiming to be “multi-fueled” capable, but really aren’t?

There are such brands on the market called “Egret Brand” “Sea Anchor”, “Butterfly”, “Wenzel”, and “American Camper” . Other poorly/dangerous made copies are being placed on the markets now; so, as we Always say, “BUYER BEWARE!”.See More: COPY VERSIONS of BriteLyt & Petromax / FAQS
NOTE: The “Wenzel” brand was sold by Sam’s Club, and in most areas, was advertised as “multi-fuel”. The Wenzel company, however, did, indeed, stated in their instructions and on their labels that the lantern was to be used with “kerosene only”.

I just bought a lantern, and it has the same “o-ring” system, and other parts that are in your lantern.

If you purchased a lantern with our patented parts, then you must report this; as this is in violation of patent laws. Purchase of our patented products from any person or entity, without permission from BriteLyt, Inc., is in violation of these patent laws. Please report this to BriteLyt, Inc. immediately. Customer Service or call 727-451-7020.

What about the “Schott” glass globe/chimney? The glass says that it is Made in Germany, is this true?

FALSE! It is manufactured in Hungary, and the glass is thinner, than the old Schott glass made in the 60’s. BriteLyt glass globe/chimney, is manufactured to the old specifications, stronger, heavier and can withstand spray of water on it, while the lantern is operating.

Is it true that the Germans were the first to make reflectors(Top or Side)made of brass?

BriteLyt, Inc. was the FIRST to manufacture the Top Reflector of solid brass, with a various choices of platings, and polished brass.

Is it true that the “Noorie” lantern is multi-fuel? And…..” Since the invention of lanterns in the 1920s nothing had been modified until Noorie came along?”

FALSE!!! Absolutely, not true, and is very misleading to customers. The lantern is not capable of multi-fuel use, and, definitely is not manufactured for use with methanol. As far as our investigations reveal, we have never found a “Noorie” lantern manufacturing facility. This is another example of the various “copies” of BriteLyt’s Product’s. BUYERS BEWARE! Most copies of Lanterns and stoves made in India have been very poorly manufactured.

Today’s BriteLyt XL is all new with many upgrades from the past see this page

BriteLyt was the FIRST to manufacture the Side Reflector of solid brass, with a various choices of plating and polished brass. This design was developed from the old model (steel, chrome plated model), of the ORIGINAL STEEL DESIGN.
BriteLyt was the FIRST to offer the 500CP lantern in brass, with POLISHED BRASS finish (and Multi-Fuel). BriteLyt, Inc. was the FIRST to manufacture the 150CP bras, with MATTE FINISH lantern (and Multi-Fuel). The German Distributor Heinze, GmbH manufactured top reflectors of CHROME PLATED STEEL. Their side reflectors were bent pieces of stainless metal which clamped to the frame. Heinze GmbH, manufactured a top reflector that looked like brass; however, it was actually steel with gold plating on top of chrome plating. If you polished this, you would see the polishing underneath. Many were returned, due to this.

Only GSI has gone to great efforts to provide you with the most versatile lantern on the market today. (Heat, cook, and light)! Even KEEP THE BUGS AWAY: With Citronella oil in our lantern!

GSI has designed patented parts with the ability of interchange between lanterns, going back to the 1920’s.

IF YOU ARE BEING TOLD THAT ANY OF THE COPY LANTERNS “ARE THE SAME AS”, OR “WILL WORK JUST LIKE” THE BRITELYT MULTI-FUEL LANTERNS, THEY WILL NOT! Please do not hesitate to contact the U.S. Dept. of Consumer Protection, in order to prevent any undue damages to yourself or your property.

Patent Information

GSI owns the BriteLyt™, EZ-Cook™, EZ-Pump™, O-Ring pump system and stove are the registered trademarks and Patent’s # 6,439,223, # 6,688,877,# 6,863,526,# 6,887,071 # 7,568,911. Other patents pending in the USA and internationally. All other trademarks are properties of their respective owners.